Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Met My Mom's Friend's Daughters

Today was so fun Diamond Jade! I met Tita Vicky's daughters Lucille and Lorraine. At first I thought they were like the typical teenagers that I know but they're not! Actually, Lucille and I had soooo much in common in terms of experiences, likes and dislikes, school habits, etc. We had fun exchanging stories. I was most delighted when I found out that she went to Biak-Na-Bato for their field trip this year, the same place we went to in our field trip last year. She told me stuff about her classmate who will go to Japan, her twin classmates, her maarte classmates and anything else in between. I talked to her about anything comfortably because she was just my kind. I heard she likes hanging out with boys. That's good! At least I'm not dealing with a prissy, flirty one. Hahaha. Beat that _________!. We went to one of my mom's friend's house and our storytelling continues there, this time with her Ate Lorraine sharing her stories! We also ate some food for the gods, which was good (^^). In the end, I gained a new friend in her whom I also have so much in common. I'll never forget ya Lucille :)

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