Saturday, December 27, 2008

Realizations and Resolutions. ^^

We had a project in Nat. Sci. It was about making a pop-up book about the digestive system. I had my two groupmates research about this stuff while I do the work, since I have 100% no trust in. I asked them to email the research to me and up to now I am still in waiting. So I decided not to write their names on my project since they have no contributions at all. If they want something done, we do it immidiately but when others tell them to, they don't do it. I don't care if they get mad, it's their fault. And it will be THEIR grade at stake. At least I know I did my part. A big part at that, Blog. I did remind them that they should submit their research. I waited the WHOLE Christmas break for it and they didn't even send it. I learned this year not to be afraid and to stand up for my right. I will not write their names and NOTHING, not even their wrath, can make me write their names there since they have absolutely no contributions not even a single paragraph or sentence. I really don't care about their feelings since they don't care about mine the whole time they worked with me and played tricks on me. Now, it's the revenge of the underdog...served hot!

By the way Blog, It's high time I name you. Anne Frank named her diary Kitty. I'm naming you Diamond Jade since you are a precious secret-keeper and I know that you're the one I can trust. Your trust is as precious as the two stones. So from now on, Diamond Jade will be your name. And after that, here's my New Year's Resolution:

  1. Will be more responsible not only in studies but in life
  2. Will stand up for my right
  3. Will tell everything to my parents FIRST
  4. Will choose my friends wisely
  5. Will update this blog frequently
  6. Will not go back to my old habits
  7. Will follow parents' orders
  8. Will nourish my talent in writing even more
  9. Will make a reviewer when a long test is dawning upon
  10. Will pay more attention to important things



P.S. I really love your name Diamond Jade

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