Friday, February 12, 2010

Very, Very Funny...

Last Friday, we had a Valentines Day Party. It's a dance party with bands, music, food, pictures and everything. I was an MC or Master of Ceremonies, or host that night alongside my fellow schoolmate. So while we weren't hosting, I would step down the stage and party with other people, get to know other people, and talk to other people. I saw Mister Genie and his friends along with his friend's girlfriend and that girlfriend's friend who happens to be my friend. So I approached them and talked to them. At first it was boring because Mr. Genie told me that they have been sitting there for 2 hours and 30 minutes doing nothing but staring at one another and talking in barely audible voices. I went insane upon hearing that. I told him that I wouldn't last a day doing that...hell, I won't even last 5 minutes not opening my mouth either to sing or to speak. So he initiated a conversation asking me how my grades were. I told him.."oh they're fine" in a very sarcastic manner. I don't know if he understood me but if he's smart he should be able to.
Anyways, so I was sitting there with them, bored as hell, when the girlfriend's friend asked me something. She asked me if I watched Boys Over Flowers, a Koreanovela. Personally, I don't and I never watched an episode of that damn show but I do love the boys' faces. I told her, no I don't but I find the boys handsome. She grinned and I sat next to her. She showed me her cellphone which was bathing with pictures of KIM HYUN JOONG, KIM BUM, and LEE MIN HO!!!! The girl and I were squealing like shit and Mr. Genie took notice. I took the girl's phone and showed Kim Hyun Joong's picture to him and told him that he's my "boyfriend". He stood up and walked away only to come back a few minutes. When he came back, I showed him the picture again and told him how handsome my boyfriend is. He just grinned and shook his head. I scoffed and told him, "You're just jealous cause he's more handsome than you." He nodded and to my surprise, he agreed! I gave the girl's cellphone back and returned to the stage to resume my MC-ing duties.
But I don't really love Hyun Joong. Just his face. I love TOP of Big Bang!

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